Supermarket loyalty is decreasing, according to the latest research: only 12% of shoppers claim loyalty to just one supermarket brand, with most (70%) shopping across two to three different stores. The number of shoppers loyal to just one supermarket has nearly halved since 2014, when it was 22%. The figures, from a new survey by Valassis Limited, the UK’s largest coupon and voucher services provider, reveal that there is even less loyalty during the festive season, particularly among female shoppers, with just 10% of women stating they would stay loyal to their main regular supermarket.

Valassis: coupons grow in popularity as store loyalty falls


Supermarket loyalty is decreasing, according to the latest research from Valassis: only 12% of shoppers claim loyalty to just one supermarket brand, with most (70%) shopping across two to three different stores. The number of shoppers loyal to just one supermarket has nearly halved since 2014, when it was 22%.

The figures, from a consumer survey carried out in November for Valassis, the UK’s largest coupon and voucher services provider, reveal that there is even less loyalty during the festive season, particularly among female shoppers. Only 10% of women stating they would stay loyal to their main regular supermarket.

Promotional offers are the deciding factor behind where the Christmas supermarket shop is done, with half of all women surveyed declaring they would switch supermarkets in order to use coupons or vouchers, although only one third of men say they are persuaded by such deals.

The research highlighted a number of other changing trends relating to promotional mechanics.  Coupons and vouchers are now favoured by 42% of shoppers compared to 38% three years ago; and loyalty points are favoured by 43% of Tesco and Sainsbury’s shoppers, compared to 38% in 2013.

In today’s increasingly digital age, paper coupons are still a favourite with most shoppers, although younger shoppers are more likely to embrace technological advances – nearly half of 25-34 year olds (48%) are highly likely to use a mobile coupon.

“With the consumer’s head being turned every which way by promotions at Christmas and grocery loyalty being at a low, no supermarket can afford to sit on the side-lines, especially when targeting women shoppers.” Valassis’ Managing Director, Charles D’Oyly (pictured), says.  “Within the grocery sector, digital promotions are still far from being embraced by the consumer although younger shoppers are certainly more predisposed to use them.  Clearly, offering a choice of promotional formats is currently the way to go.”

The weekly shop remains a firm habit of the majority of shoppers (58%), although a third of shoppers (33%) undertake daily top ups and 21% regularly opt for online shopping and home delivery.

The findings are based on an online survey of 2,000 nationally representative adults, conducted by GfK NOP on behalf of Valassis between 4th and 7th November 2016.

Valassis Limited is the UK’s largest coupon and voucher services provider performing crucial data management and financial clearing services and responsible for handling most of the UK’s coupons and vouchers.



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