Branston, Pilgrims Choice promo


Branston Pickle, the UK’s best-selling pickle brand, and Pilgrims Choice, the UK’s number two cheddar brand, are running a joint promotion to celebrate the classic flavour combination of cheese and pickle.

The new promotional tie up will focus on driving frequency of purchase and usage via an on-pack promotion, starting in July and running until the end of September, which gives consumers the chance to win a year’s supply of cheese or pickle.

Branston Pickle and Pilgrims Choice will also be creating a series of recipes highlighting new and exciting ways to combine the two food staples. These recipes will be hosted on a bespoke website launched for the campaign, The simple, everyday recipes, such as macaroni cheese, a ploughman’s sandwich and a bean burger, will also be supported through a joint PR and social media programme.

In addition to this Branston Pickle is partnering with popular street food trader Grill My Cheese to create the formula for the perfect toastie incorporating the complementary pairing of cheese and pickle. This partnership will highlight top toastie tips to consumers and will be supported by video and recipe content.

Lorna Kimberley, Head of Marketing, Mizkan Euro, says: ‘Our main objective with this partnership is to drive frequency of purchase of both brands, by highlighting how cheese and pickle are the perfect partners. As our products share the same usage occasion, the mighty sandwich, as well as having similar brand values, working together is a natural fit. Partnering with Grill My Cheese will provide an excellent platform from which to engage consumers in a fun, credible and compelling way. ’

The Branston brand is now owned by Mizkan Euro, the European subsidiary of Mizkan, a privately-owned, Japanese business started in 1804, which is the number one Sushi seasoning supplier in the world. Mizkan Euro owns Branston Pickle, Hayward’s Pickled Vegetables and Sarson’s Vinegar.


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