Fridge Raiders hosts exercise classes to help Brits keep up their New Year’s resolutions


The guilt-free snack company, Fridge Raiders, has launched ‘Power Play’ to show Brits that getting fit and going to the gym isn’t just about lifting intimidating weights and mindlessly pounding the treadmill – there’s some brilliant, fun alternatives.

Created by 3 Monkeys Zeno and running from the 5th – 8th February, the snack brand will be hosting classes curated and lead by renowned PT and fitness influencer, Emily Furey. Power Play offers a range of unique exercise classes that will have visitors working up a sweat, boosting their heart rates and getting their metabolism going – without a treadmill or spin bike in sight. Two classes will also be joined by celebrity and 2018 Dancing on Ice winner, Jake Quickenden.

At Power Play, all 45-minute classes are absolutely free and include Dance Dance (the ultimate activity-based computer game mixed with floor workouts), sports day-themed circuits and a fun-packed, Gladiator-inspired obstacle course.

Not only this, but guests will be able to replenish their power with a range of delicious protein-based snacks that will help keep them powered on-the-go and in the gym; helping them to maintain a healthy lifestyle past January and throughout 2019.

This activation comes as an answer to Fridge Raiders’ recent research, finding that when it comes to New Year’s resolutions, half (50%) of those who make them give up within just one month or less – with only 8% sticking to them all year. This year, 60% of us have forgone the ‘new year, new me’ promises completely, due to lack of success.

The majority (71%) of UK adults have previously made fitness-focused resolutions; unfortunately, 86% of these confess to breaking them before the year is out. We fail, not because we don’t want to get fit, but because a third of us (32%) lose motivation and a fifth (21%) are just too busy.

Of the quarter (23%) of UK adults that have a gym membership, just 12% go regularly; this rises to 18% in those aged 18-34. So, what really stops us going to the gym?

The top five reasons people avoid going to the gym:

  • They find the gym experience intimidating (22%)
  • They don’t like attending the gym as they find it boring (22%)
  • They feel like people are watching everything they do (18%)
  • The gym is too crowded, and they hate queuing to use the equipment (16%)
  • They’re not really interested in keeping fit (16%)

Power Play aims to be the antidote to boring, intimidating gym routines.