To celebrate Mother’s Day 2018, Thorntons has been giving retailers the chance to ‘Pass the Love on’ with its latest competition.

Thorntons launches ‘Pass The Love On’ Mother’s Day promo for retailers


To celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday 11th March 2018, Thorntons has been giving retailers the chance to ‘Pass the Love on’ with its latest competition, offering them the chance to treat the mother in their lives to a spa day.

Hosted on brand owner Ferrero’s trade website, Your Perfect Store, all retailers need to do to enter is to visit the ‘Your Rewards’ page on Your Perfect Store, fill out the application form and tell Thorntons why (in no more than 50 words) the special mother figure in their life deserves a spa day.

The winner will receive a spa day for two, to make Mother’s Day special, as well as a spa hamper and box of Thorntons Continental. In addition, five runners up will also receive a spa hamper and a box of Thorntons Continental.

Levi Boorer, Customer Development Director at Ferrero, says: “With this competition, we wanted to ‘Pass the Love on’ to our valued retailer community and Thorntons Continental Collection is the perfect gift for the Mother’s Day occasion.”

The competition opened at the beginning of February and runs until February 28th.

Ferrero is the fourth-largest player in the global confectionery market and has been present in the UK since 1966. Ferrero’s brand portfolio includes Nutella, Ferrero Rocher, tic tac, Kinder, Kinder Bueno, and Thorntons. Ferrero’s multi-million pound acquisition of Thorntons in 2015 was part of its continued investment in the competitive UK market.

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