Yakult launches first AR experience to promote the science of wellbeing


Yakult UK is introducing its first-ever Augmented Reality experience, along with a social media campaign, to enhance the brand’s focus on the Science of Wellbeing, launched through an out-of-home activity earlier this year.

Quiet Storm developed the creative idea for the AR ‘Magic Mirror’ activation encouraging people to experience “The science of breathing, brought to you by the Little Bottle of Science”.

Passers-by are invited to ‘touch’ a Yakult bottle they see on screen to trigger a 30-second experience that involves a breathing exercise. This will help participants clear their minds, all with the purpose of promoting wellbeing through a mechanic rooted in science, as Yakult’s little bottles, and a creative execution that reinforces the brand’s Japanese heritage.

Yakult worked with 3RockAR to produce the creative used on the agency’s unique AR technology, which will be featured at Bluewater Shopping Centre, following a successful first activation at Waterloo Station.

Yakult is also supporting the AR experience with a competition, offering a spa break for two via sampling with a card, whilst the brand’s social media will feature a variety of wellbeing tips for its followers.

The previous OOH activity focused on the Science of Wellbeing, created by Quiet Storm and with media planning and buying by Hearts & Science, saw the brand promote science-based exercises on tube car panels and taxis around London. These included saying the alphabet backwards to focus the mind and increase happiness levels, and riddles providing brief distractions, proven to improve productivity.

Reshma Patel, Marketing Manager at Yakult, said: ‘The experience really helped bring to life the Science of Wellbeing and the creative ensured people engage with the brand at a much deeper level to create memorable moments. Ultimately, we want everyone to understand that Yakult is about science and when we talk about wellbeing and offer tips, we make sure it is all backed by science and it can be trusted.’

Scott Powney, Digital Director at Quiet Storm, said: “This was an opportunity to use AR in a surprising way to reinforce Yakult’s focus on the Science of Wellbeing. Traditionally, the AR ‘Magic Mirror’ is accompanied by loud, in your face, attention grabbing creative, whereas the Yakult execution delivers a moment of relaxation in a hectic environment which is in line with the brand’s Japanese heritage.”