Covid Featured Case Study-One Million Meals from TLC Marketing


In the first of our 6 featured cases from campaigns carried out through the Covid pandemic we have this example that we think showcases our industry’s specialism and creativity in overcoming very difficult circumstance.

All of the 6 case studies were selected by a panel of judges from a much wider pool of impressive work carried out by IPM member organisations and this week we are featuring this submission from TLC.

One Million Meals

Campaign Managers

Rob Scott, Group Creative Director, TLC Marketing Ltd

Client name,  OMM

Feeding frontline workers for free

Campaign Video

One Million Meals (OMM) was the creation of an entrepreneur who wanted to tackle two of the highest profile aspects the Covid 19 pandemic in one solution. Support and feed our frontline hero’s – Keep our catering industry alive. Through the creation of donors were able to donate at various levels and the proceeds were used entirely to supply frontline staff with wholesome hot food created from local restaurant / catering organisations. A truly fantastic concept but as with many philanthropic endeavours in a not-for-profit enterprise they lacked the media exposure to get the traction needed to be successful.

OMM engaged TLC’s creative department who used design, creativity and its media contacts to achieve valuable cut through at a time when every other charitable cause was trying to do the same. Donating their time for free, TLC breathed new life into the logo and secured over £100,000 of free media, including celebrity endorsements from David Beckham and Amir Khan. The campaign was recognised by the Prime Minister Boris Johnson who sent a personal message of thanks to the founders. How they managed to get the Proclaimers to agree to the re-wording of “500 miles” is just one fantastic example of their boundless energy and resourcefulness.

Judges’ quote

“While, by their own admission OMM was “late to the party” you can’t deny the impressive list of media‐friendly names who endorsed the activity and the positive intent behind it.”