Baking category leader, Dr. Oetker, has launched We Bake which it claims is the first baking-only social media platform for UK consumers.

Dr. Oetker launches ‘Baking Only’ social platform


Baking category leader, Dr. Oetker, has launched We Bake, which it claims is the first baking-only social media platform for UK consumers.

We Bake, which launched at the start of November, will reward bakers for baking and unite people everywhere to celebrate a shared love of baking. It will form a fundamental part of the Dr. Oetker Dare to Bake marketing campaign, which is being supported by an ‘always on’ digital, social and PR support and a £3m above-the-line advertising spend.

Consumers who register with We Bake will be able to create profiles and share recipes, tips and advice with fellow bakers. Dr. Oetker says the new community “is here to motivate, help, inspire and reward through seasonal content, helpful advice, baking challenges, and exclusive competitions and events.”

Jan McKee, Executive Head of Marketing UK at Dr. Oetker, says; “Dr. Oetker believes it’s time that bakers had a community to offer encouragement, support and even the opportunity to share and get recognition for a job well done. As category leaders, it’s our responsibility to drive innovation and excitement through our campaigns. We Bake will give people a reason to bake and help to create more occasions for them to do so, ultimately growing both frequency and penetration.”



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