Warner Brothers Records launch Dua Lipa playlist generator


Creative technology agency Modern English have launched a facial recognition playlist generator for music sensation, Dua Lipa. The ground-breaking new web-app called #DuaMoods uses an online social messenger premise to allow fans to interact with a Dua Lipa chat-bot and upload a selfie that is analysed to give them a personal playlist based on what mood their face depicts.

The concept was developed in collaboration with Warner Brothers Records in Burbank, Los Angeles, over the last 12 months. It is a significant evolution in a series of hugely popular Spotify playlist apps that have been released by Modern English since their award-winning Foo Fighters Mixtape Generator in May 2017.

London born Dua Lipa is currently one of the world’s biggest pop stars, recently receiving two Brit Awards and a number one UK single, as well as being the star of the YouTube Music billboard currently towering over Piccadilly Gardens.

Modern English Co-founder Andrew Hirst said: “#DuaMoods has been designed to feel like you have a chat with Dua Lipa and share pictures through social, and she gives you music to listen to based on how you look. There’s some other really nice features and a few Easter-eggs like a lot of other Modern English projects, but also for us it’s the realisation of a wonderful collaboration with the guys at Warner and also next step in a series of projects that we’ve been developing particularly over the last 18 months.”

“We’re unbelievably proud of the work that has been done by our team on #DuaMoods. It uses cutting edge technology in a creative way and is a great showcase for some of our capabilities, and we’re sure that Dua’s fans are going to love it.”

The #DuaMoods project is currently live online at moods.dualipa.com.